DeadlyAztec11 wrote:Really hoping they don't. Probably will

Can't we just buff the AR slightly at CQC instead of nerfing every other rifle?
"Hey my weapons are op ! Can we buff the ENTIRE GAME instead of just nerfing 4 weapons ? (Rifles) "
Dude seriously.
With your simple quote you just prove than these weapons are OP.
BUT i think the others rifle are Op too or not working as intended.
Nerf the 4 Rifles (and SMG) BAM balanced Game. (Infantry)
The actual problem is that people defend their rifle by saying "Hey it's not op against this other rifle ! it's balanced"
WRONG.These 4 rifles are ALL OP.Yes they are balanced each others.
But they ****** up the whole game with this ridiculous TTK and make the game a bad copy of COD.
It even kill the "Fitting" of the game which is now just "DAMAAAAAGER".
These 4 rifles need Balance not just NEEERF or "we let this destroy the game because i make kill with it *Douchebag*"
It needs to be balanced.
Scrambler Rifle : Nerf the RoF (15% less RoF) and lower the Mag of the semi-auto Version to 25 => But give a small bonus to Headshot (5/10% more damage than now in Headshot) it will reward players that takes their time to make perfect charge shots and punish the "spam" players that hit their shoot button as fast as possible.
No need for other nerf this weapon already takes 11PG to fit STD and 20 at PRO that's a HEAVY cost when you fit your dropsuit.
As intended.
The Assault version is pretty balanced BUT it should heat up quickly and make it lose his mag when it Heat up. (Only the Assault Version)
Assault Rifle : Nerf the Effective Range to make it worse at range it's supposed to be the less effective rifle at mid/long range.
And Nerf the optimal range..
But give more RoF (50 RPM)
And Better accuracy when not aiming (Sorry for my bad english).
You think that's a buff ? Not really an Worse range make a weapon really weaker.
BAM awesome CQC rifle but not OP at range.
As intended.
I don't think the others version of the Assault rifle should exist they should be deleted (With SP and ISK refund)
Combat Rifle : Supposed to be an Mid range Weapon it's more an "I see you so you're dead BAM One shot bitchies"
First make the time between each burst higher. (At least Twice)
But make the burst shot 3 more bullet.
Then add more Recoil at the end of each burst.
It have 10% more damage on armor and 5% less on Shield Where is the logic here ????
It's more powerful than all other weapon by that fact......
Bring 0% on armor and 0% on shield. No advantage no drawbacks : Balanced.
It's minmatarr technology it's explain the low PG/CPU fitting.
But it should also cost less ISK : 25% less than now making it a cheap weapon easy to fit and average against everything.
Polyvalent Weapon.
As intended.
The Armor/Shield Balance already affect the Assault version just add some bigger Recoil.
Rail Rifle : Supposed to be an long range weapon it actually outclass the other rifle (So all the weapon) at mid range.
Higher the charge up time before start shooting. (0.5sec)
Make the bullets had trace like the sniper rifle : We could know from where we have been shot.
Higher the Recoil of the assault Version.
Higher the Damage of 1 for all version.
Here are your balanced weapons.